The Shire of Cold Keep
The Shire of Cold Keep is located on the unceded territory of the Lheidli T’enneh people in what is now Prince George, BC, Canada
Our Shire is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, an international organization dedicated to researching and recreating the arts and skills of Medieval Europe.
Our group is a Shire within The Principality of Tir Righ, within The Kingdom of An Tir.
New to the SCA?
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and the Shire of Cold Keep welcome you to the Middle Ages. The SCA is a non-profit worldwide organization with over 60,000 people who re-create the Middle Ages from 600 to 1600 AD through songs, dance, clothing, weaving, combat, archery, metalworking and much more. Honour, chivalry and courtly love are valued highly in our society. We bring our knowledge, skills and love of history together in a safe and fun environment for all to enjoy. For more information about the SCA as a whole click here!
You are welcome to attend either an event or a practice first, you do not need to be a member to attend either. Contact our Chatelaine (newcomer coordinator) at if you have any questions about how to get involved.
Practices available!
Historical combat takes many forms in the SCA – all of which have modern (anachronistic) safety provisions. ColdKeep two forms of historical swordfighting (Rattan/”Heavy”, Rapier, and two ranged combat options (archery and thrown weapons),
- Heavy Combat (Sword fighting in full armour)
- Rapier (Fencing)
- Archery (Shooting Practices during the Summer)
Arts & Sciences
We host Craft days once a month!
follow us on Facebook to learn more about our next session!
You can also contact our Arts & Science Officer via email :
Meet Our Members!
If you see us having fun please reach out, we will be happy to introduce ourselves and welcome you into our Shire.